A Frexit Would Be the Final Nail in the EU’s Coffin. A Potential Exit-Referendum in France?

‘The European continent has been rocked by one of the largest political earthquakes in recent years, after the British people made the historic decision to leave the European Union (EU). The arrogant, corrupt establishment was so convinced that their concerted propaganda campaign to keep Britain in the EU would prevail over EU detractors, that they clearly were shocked by the Brexit vote.
A personal highlight over the past few weeks has been watching the plethora of EU zealots and puppets of the globalist cabal whining, sulking and generally throwing their dummies out of their prams in response to the democratic wishes of the people. Remember, the Western establishment is only a cheerleader of democracy when it serves their interests, not when it challenges them.’
Read more: A Frexit Would Be the Final Nail in the EU’s Coffin. A Potential Exit-Referendum in France?

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