Americans’ drinking water could become thousands of times more radioactive under new EPA proposal

‘The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed rule changes that would permit drinking water to become hundreds of thousands of times more radioactive than currently allowed. The rule would permit water so radioactive that it would expose those drinking it to the equivalent of 250 chest X-rays per year.
Environmental groups immediately condemned the proposal.
“Clean water is essential for health,” said Catherine Thomasson, executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Just like lead, radiation when ingested in small amounts is very hazardous to our health. It is inconceivable that EPA could now quietly propose allowing enormous increases in radioactive contamination with no action to protect the public, even if concentrations are a thousand times higher than under the Safe Drinking Water Act.”‘
Read more: Americans’ drinking water could become thousands of times more radioactive under new EPA proposal  

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