Americans now spending BILLIONS on natural health remedies including superfoods and homeopathy, while denouncing Big Pharma’s failed medicine

‘As more and more Americans are starting to realize that conventional medicine does not hold the answers to their problems, their spending on natural health remedies is rising. In fact, a study that was recently released by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) shows that Americans spend $30.2 billion on complementary health approaches each year. When you consider the fact that they spend $328.8 billion on out-of-pocket health expenditures overall, the significant portion of health-related spending occupied by alternative remedies becomes quite clear.
The study used data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, which was then weighted to come up with estimates that more accurately represent the nation’s population at large.’
Read more: Americans now spending BILLIONS on natural health remedies including superfoods and homeopathy, while denouncing Big Pharma’s failed medicine

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