Americans React With Fury: ‘If Hillary Doesn’t Follow the Law, Why Should I?’

‘Many Americans reacted furiously to the FBI’s announcement that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her email scandal, with some asserting that since the former Secretary of State appears to be above the law, they would also now refuse to follow it.
“Why should we follow the law when our leaders don’t?” asked one respondent, adding, “This Clinton bullshit has sealed the deal for me. We are ruled by a corrupt cabal that is above the law.”
“If Clinton wins, I’m not paying taxes anymore or following federal laws,” wrote another, adding, “Simple as that. It’s over. They can jail or kill me, I don’t care. I’d rather live as a free American for a day, then spend a lifetime under criminals.”’
Read more: Americans React With Fury: ‘If Hillary Doesn’t Follow the Law, Why Should I?’

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