An Act Of Treason – How Bill Clinton Sold Our Missile Targeting Technology To China For Campaign Cash

‘In 1996 President Bill Clinton, at a fundraising dinner in New York City said this: “There are no more nuclear missiles pointed at any children in the United States. I’m proud of that.” But by 1998, the CIA’s National Intelligence Daily stated that “thirteen of China’s 18 long-range intercontinental ballistic missiles are targeted on the United States.” How could such a discrepancy occur? When did Clinton know and what did he do to prevent this dangerous situation? These are valid questions and in light of Clinton’s involvement in Russia’s nuclear weapons advancements, I shudder to think that this too was a result of Clinton’s business dealings.
CNN reported how China has been stealing our most sensitive nuclear secrets in an article dated May 25, 1999, and posted on their website. The article was called: China stole U.S. nuke secrets to ‘fulfill international agenda.’ The article reveals that China has been stealing the most sensitive nuclear secrets for several decades and despite high-level knowledge of the thefts, security at U.S. nuclear labs still “does not meet even minimal standards.” The CNN article goes on to state that President Clinton had known since 1995 and yet little was done about it.’
Read more: An Act Of Treason – How Bill Clinton Sold Our Missile Targeting Technology To China For Campaign Cash

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