Ankara may let Moscow use Incirlik base to fight Daesh: Turkey Foreign Minister

‘Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says his country is open to allowing Russia to use the Incirlik Air Base in south-central Turkey to launch airstrikes against the positions of Daesh in Syria, as Ankara and Moscow further move to mend fences.
“We will cooperate with everybody who is fighting Daesh. Ankara has opened the Incirlik Air Base to all those wishing to join the active fight,” Cavusoglu said in an interview with the state-run TRT television network on Monday.
“Why not cooperate with Russia in the same manner? Turkey is ready for such cooperation. Terrorism is our common enemy. Joint efforts are important to avoid negative incidents,” the top Turkish diplomat said.’
Read more: Ankara may let Moscow use Incirlik base to fight Daesh: Turkey Foreign Minister

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