Australia: Political Correctness Goes Beyond Insane At This Public School That Just BANNED Applause

‘A public school in Sydney has just earned the prize for the most laughably insane political correctness lunacy we’ve ever seen. Elanora Heights Public School just issued a ban on applause and cheering in order to avoid offending people who are “sensitive to noise.”
Instead of clapping and cheering, it will now be acceptable to engage in “air punching” and to “pull excited faces.” Parents and students will even be allowed to, believe it or not, “wriggle about on the spot.” (No, I’m not making this up… see the screen shot below.)
This is all part of the new, idiotic, mind-numbing demands of P.C. obedience coming from cognitively retarded leftists who somehow believe the best way to educate children is to turn them all into clueless, pathetic sheeple who can’t handle reality. In the name of political correctness, they are demanding that everyone in society behave like blathering idiots in order to avoid offending anyone for any reason whatsoever. They’re even demanding all gender words like “women” or “girl” be stripped from the English language.’
Read more: Australia: Political Correctness Goes Beyond Insane At This Public School That Just BANNED Applause

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