Autistic teens with mental capacity of young children now undergoing dangerous hormone treatments and sex reassignment surgeries

‘While it’s easy for parents of autistic children to imagine the hurdles they might encounter, Dr. Kathleen Levinstein is facing one challenge that would never even enter most people’s minds: Her daughter is being mutilated by her doctor because she wants to be a transgender boy, and there is nothing her mother can do to stop it.
When Dr. Levinstein’s daughter told her several years ago that she was a lesbian, the professor, who describes herself as left-of-center politically, did not have any problem with it. After seeing a transgender boy on the TV show Degrassi, however, her daughter decided that she wanted to become one too, and that’s where her mother drew the line.
After all, her daughter – whose given name is Ruth but who now goes by Ryan – is autistic, and has the mental capacity of a 9-year-old. Dr. Levinstein, who is a clinical social worker, and has professionally performed psychological evaluations for 40 years, is speaking out about the transgender movement’s willingness to recruit kids who are disabled, and the lack of a proper medical review prior to approving autistic kids for gender reassignment procedures.’
Read more: Autistic teens with mental capacity of young children now undergoing dangerous hormone treatments and sex reassignment surgeries

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