Beijing vows ‘never to stop’ construction in South China Sea, says it’s lawful

‘Beijing has pledged to “never stop” construction in the South China Sea, insisting its activities are “justified and lawful.” A tribunal at The Hague has rejected China’s claims to “historic rights” in the disputed sea in a case brought by the Philippines.
“We will never stop our construction on the Nansha Islands [China‘s name for the Spratly Islands] halfway,” Wu Shengli, the commander of the People’s Liberation Army Navy, told US Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson on Monday, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.
He stressed that the Spratly Islands are “China’s inherent territory, and our necessary construction on the islands is reasonable, justified and lawful.”’
Read more: Beijing vows ‘never to stop’ construction in South China Sea, says it’s lawful

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