British austerity hits schools, reveals Tories’ future vision

‘Last Tuesday, the National Union of Teachers held the first in a series of one-day strikes against cuts to education funding in England. The government’s plans reveal, once again, its unswerving dedication to the eradication of quality public services.
Last week’s teachers’ strike took place following a members’ ballot in which 91.7 percent of voters supported strike action. As a result, 7,000 schools were fully or partially closed for the day – and even ITV’s report was forced to admit that “whatever inconvenience it caused parents, the striking teachers appear to have broad support from the public. My own conversations with parents at the school gate and an online ITV Central poll showed real concern about the issue of school funding.”
But wait – the schools’ budget is supposed to be exempt from cuts, right? The Tories won the last election in part by promising that four key budgets – schools, hospitals, pensions and foreign aid – would be “ring fenced” – protected from the savage cuts they promised every other sector of government spending.’
Read more: British austerity hits schools, reveals Tories’ future vision

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