British spies gave faulty intelligence on Iraq, then quietly withdrew it – Chilcot

‘The Chilcot report into Britain’s invasion of Iraq is highly critical of the UK intelligence services, saying it provided “flawed” information about Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
In his damning report on the Iraq war, released on Wednesday, Sir John Chilcot slams security agencies such as MI6 over major errors in their intelligence gathering and assessments.
Chilcot says it worked on the “misguided assumption” that Saddam had WMD – a threat which turned out to be non-existent and was the basis for war – and made no effort to investigate otherwise.’
Read more: British spies gave faulty intelligence on Iraq, then quietly withdrew it – Chilcot
BBC Conspiracy Files: The Death of Dr David Kelly (Weapons Inspector for the British Government)

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