California parents suing over state’s mandatory vaccine law, arguing it violates kids’ right to an education

‘A group of California parents and the nonprofit Education 4 All have filed a federal lawsuit against the state of California, arguing that the state’s new mandatory vaccination law violates children’s right to education.
The right to education is guaranteed by the California constitution. The new law, however, bars children from both public and private schools if they have not received all 10 vaccines on the state’s required vaccine schedule. This leaves parents who have strong vaccination objections without any options other than homeschooling, independent study programs or moving – options that may not be available to poorer families.
The lawsuit seeks to have the law, SB277, declared unconstitutional, and is asking for its implementation to be delayed until the matter is decided.’
Read more: California parents suing over state’s mandatory vaccine law, arguing it violates kids’ right to an education

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