Can You Handle The Truth? The Awakening May Be Coming To A City Near You

‘There are very few speakers who can sell out arenas around the world. Even fewer can keep the audience captivated on every word for over nine hours. The short list includes David Icke; the once-mocked alternative researcher and entertaining presenter, who recently kicked off his first speaking tour in five years.
“Since the early nineties, David Icke has made it his life’s mission to inform his readers and fans of an impending global fascist state,” says his website.
“The goal all along has been to create a global Orwellian centralized dictatorship, dictating to and controlling the lives, in detail, of every man, woman and child on the planet,” he says in a video promoting his events.’

Read more: Can You Handle The Truth? The Awakening May Be Coming To A City Near You

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