Congenital Lies and Broken Promises

Originally published by

Wisconsin –  While you and I prepare for a weekend of R&R in celebration of this nation’s freedom, Wisconsin Republicrat Paul Ryan is working behind the scenes to crush what little freedom you and I have left.

That’s right, Ryan — according to a story on AmmoLand News and again on yesterday, “House Plans Vote on Guns Next Week” — will urge the U.S. House early next week to vote for “a counterterrorism package that will include a provision to prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns” and a so-called mental health bill that will effectively disarm and prohibit gun ownership for millions of Americans without due process based on phony junk science and the “diagnoses” from any anti-gun doctor with an axe to grind.

Again, this attack on our firearm freedom will be launched right after politicians return from the July 4th 2016 recess — so after getting rested up during a weekend of phony homage to freedom, they will turn right around next week and attack your freedom.

So PLEASE take this threat seriously. Sign the online NO WATCHLIST GUN BAN petition.

Equally important, consider a pro-gun gift of $100, $250, $500 or more … if you can.

The more funding Wisconsin Gun Owners has available, the more we can do RIGHT NOW to hold our Wisconsin congressional delegation accountable.

Reprinted with permission from

The post Congenital Lies and Broken Promises appeared first on LewRockwell.

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