
That’s it for the weather, and now in other news today, America is falling apart. See here. Now, this can all go two ways. In a first way, this can fizzle out and people will return to their televisions to watch Worshipping The Stars and eating entire Family-Size bags of Dork-Baked organic vegan sour cream and onion potato chips in one sitting. Or this can blow up into two factions of people at each others’ throats.

Gosh, what happened to the tough guy that was going to unite America and heal this alleged racial divide here? Let’s see…wasn’t that President Obama? If anything, race relations are at their lowest point since the 1960s and 1970s and all the various left-wing “liberation armies” and so on that were running around then. It would appear to me that if Obama was supposed to heal some divide, he has failed miserably. Was there a divide? I’m not touching that one. I don’t like to discuss race because I think race is just another way governments turn people against one another so they don’t challenge the government. But if there was a divide, let’s say it might have been Snake River Canyon, as an example. But Obama has gone and turned it into the Grand Canyon.

People were waiting for this president to demonstrate leadership. They’re still waiting. In all fairness, I don’t think there has been a president who demonstrated leadership, but I’ve said that before. But what we’ve got right now is the very real possibility of escalating violence between two races. And one race perceived of as being favored by the police and, ergo, violence being justified under some type of “social justice” philosophy. I don’t think we’re returning to the 1970s. I think we’re already there.

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Where are the cooler heads to say, hey, how about everyone just goes home and cool off? As I said in a previous column here, the sure way to be the victim of violence is to be present at some public demonstration, especially these ones. But what of the First Amendment? Excuse me, but throwing rocks at the cops isn’t covered by that. You might go to a protest with good intentions, but you can’t stop the agitators who find a crowd to hide in where they can throw rocks at the cops and get away with it. Because the cops will just gas everyone.

Now, let me go out onto a limb here. If I were the head of some nefarious federal government agency, I’d use agent provocateurs embedded into both the local police and the protests in order to fan the flames of this entire shindig. Then when the protesters started demanding an “end to police brutality or else” and the local police and their fellow-travelers started saying there needs to be an “end to cops getting attacked and killed”, I would step in and reveal my new federal police agency to “solve” the crisis. And how would I solve it? Well, for starters, I’d disband local police or put them under my command. Next, I’d probably stop the concept of public arrests. People I wanted would just disappear one night. You thought a traffic stop was bad? How about a traffic extraordinary rendition?

Then I’d say, look, we need to heal this divide and restore trust. What better way than to just make people that might cause trouble up and disappear? Because, gosh, we don’t know what happened to them. He went out one night to get some cupcakes and did not return. And, gee, I have these nifty robots now that can carry a grenade in to kill a suspect. I guess with some tinkering, I could create one that delivers an incapacitating gas into a suspect and when he wakes up, he finds himself in the Federal Triangle which has already caused more disappearances than the Bermuda Triangle. Just ask the Iraqis and Afghans.

Some of our Latin American allies in the Cold War used to do this. I think they used to fly the unfortunates out to sea and have them do parachuting without a parachute. I would imagine the sharks reacted to the sound of helicopter rotors like Pavlov’s dogs did to a bell. It was probably our federal government that taught them this as a cost-saving measure to cut the ammunition budget. What’s to stop these dummies from providing the federal government the very pretext to start doing this, too?

These dummies? Yes, do you really think going out there and throwing rocks at the cops is helping something? All that does is build the case for a growing number of people to support the cops opening fire on these protests. Then where will we be? Right. All of us behind barbed wire for our own “protection”. See, public protests these days just can’t seem to be pulled off without violence occurring. That’s because violence is taught as a solution to every problem. So, here’s a piece of advice: Stay home. These protests are nothing more than violence magnets. And you will be pulled into the violence with everyone else.

People have a choice right now. They can buy into the violence and help perpetuate it by showing up to these protests and the counter-demonstrations that will be sure to begin. Or they can refuse to buy into the violence and stay home. But the more these things continue, the more the violence will escalate and that’s probably what the federal government wants. Because that gives them the “national emergency” to pull the trigger on the Patriot Act. Or did you dummies already forget about that in your haste to prove your resistance to the police? Keep it up and there will be cops that you can’t throw rocks at without a hail of machine gun fire coming back at you. The federal cops will probably just send out robots to gas the lot of you and you’ll all wake up in some “undisclosed location”. Also known as a concentration camp. By the way, those already exist. Right now, they’re used for illegal aliens. But be assured, they are black holes you can literally disappear into and be forced to work if you want toothpaste and shampoo.

See, you’re all missing the bigger picture. It was just in the news a few weeks ago the military is mulling over the possibility of robots for combat. Now we have seen they already exist. And one has been used successfully. The beta-test was a resounding success and I bet the stocks went up by double digits for the company that built Officer Death-Bot. The concentration camps already exist because they’re being “field tested” on the illegal aliens who literally disappear into them and the government actually loses them. Or, rather, paperwork gets lost and some poor soul has been in there for two years and the government forgot he’s in there. By the way, those “detention centers” are run by the private prison corporations. So if the feds decided we need to start jailing more people and quietly, what, you think they haven’t got a way to do that? Wake up, idiots. Smell the knock-out gas.

People are predictable. They’ll usher in the very police state they claimed to be fighting. Because the federal government will allow enough chaos to manifest, even encourage it tacitly, until people clamor for law and order. Then, gosh, who knew they already had all these police robots and detention centers? “Our solution is to use a robot for traffic stops to minimize risk to officers…” The robots will end up killing more people with their allegedly “less-lethal” weapons, but no one will ever see who controls the robot. Just like we don’t know who controls the drones killing people all over the planet. Or who gives the orders to use them. So, you wanted more “humane” cops? How about a non-human one, then?

Yes, we can probably look forward to a new era of technology with robot cops and police drones enforcing the laws. Who will you complain to? The police department might even become an arm of a private corporation that builds the robots. They’ll probably have a customer service line for you to call: “If you’re calling about a detainee in custody, please press one. If you’re calling to report a crime, please press two. If you’re calling to report an unauthorized death caused by a Cop-Corps remote police-bot, please stay on the line and a customer care agent will be with you shortly. Please, stay on the line. Your call is important to us. Your place in the queue is…ninety-seven. Your estimated wait time is…six hours…and…ten…minutes….”

Isn’t America a great place? Only America has people that walk like sheep right into a police state by protesting a police state. But, hey, it’ll be the first police state in history to have robots enforcing its laws and a customer service line to smother the sheep with telephonic red tape. Gosh, isn’t that swell?

The post Cop-Bots appeared first on LewRockwell.

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