Cut Trump Some Slack

I had once believed that, according to libertarian theory, the non-aggression principle (NAP) could be stated as follows:

“It is illicit, and punishable as a crime, to initiate or threaten aggression against an innocent person.”

When I did so, I placed threats and the actual initiation of violence against a law-abiding person (according to libertarian law) on the same plane. If it was improper to initiate violence against such a person, then it would also be illegal to threaten violence against him. Turning this around, I also maintained that if it was improper to threaten violence against an innocent person, then it would also be illegal to actually use violence against him.

But upon more mature reflection, I now see I was in error on this matter, and I thank David Gordon, who knows everything about everything, for setting me straight.

Suppose, for example, a mad bomber announced that he had an Atom Bomb located in mid-Manhattan, and was going to explode it in an hour. This is much too short a time to evacuate even a small proportion of people in that borough of New York City; there are an estimated 25 million people located there, during business hours.

Here are some of my interviews, debates, all in support of Donald Trump:

See, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

And, also, these:

April 6, 2016. Debate with Bob Wenzel on Donald Trump; Tom Woods show

April 15, 2016. On Donald Trump.  Freedom’s Phoenix

May 31, 2016. Libertarian support for Donald Trump.

The post Cut Trump Some Slack appeared first on LewRockwell.

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