Democratic Republic of Congo Land Grabs: Plantation Company Pressures Farming Communities to Cede Land Rights

‘Over the past few days, Feronia Inc., a Canadian-based company majority-owned by European and US development banks, has been pressuring local communities to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that would endorse the company’s continued operation and expansion of oil palm plantations within their territories.
Despite severe pressure and intimidation, the communities have rejected the MOU and are appealing for international support to demand that Feronia respect their decision.
They are calling especially on the development banks or funds, which have a combined control of over 80 per cent of Feronia’s shares, to respect their own internal guidelines regarding the free, prior and informed consent of communities.’
Read more: Democratic Republic of Congo Land Grabs: Plantation Company Pressures Farming Communities to Cede Land Rights

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