Did The CDC Trash The Data On The MMR To Hide Its Success As A Genetically Targeted (Anti-Black) Vaccine?

‘We know now:
1. That the CDC lied that the MMR vaccine has no association to autism.
2. That the CDC hid the data from their own study on the MMR vaccine and autism. A whistleblower at the CDC has come forward and a film has been made on what the CDC did to hide this fact.
3. That the CDC hid the data showing the MMR causes a 340% great rate of autism in little black boys.
4. That the CDC, knowing the MMR vaccine causes autism, especially in little black boys, didn’t stop, but pushed the MMR vaccine as hard as they could.’
Read more: Did The CDC Trash The Data On The MMR To Hide Its Success As A Genetically Targeted (Anti-Black) Vaccine?

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