Don’t Stay in School

‘There is a huge glut of graduate school-graduates who are basically unemployable. Part of the reason for the unemployability of these people is many of these degrees are bogus, either “for profit” degrees purchased online or in fields of no actual demand.
Adding to the unemployability of the graduate degree is an undeserved “joker” quality attributed to an Education degree. Yes, you can get a “real” degree in chemistry, mathematics, or other academic subject, demonstrating knowledge and understanding, or you can get a graduate degree in Education. For an inexplicable reason (outside of money), administration feels that an Education degree somehow grants understanding of everything else, and so those academic degree holders find themselves competing not just with their own field, but with this strange Education field which believes “knowledge how to teach” is far more important than “knowledge of what you are doing.”’
Read more: Don’t Stay in School

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