England’s ‘free’ healthcare system spending $1Million a day on antidepressants, despite research showing their ineffectiveness

‘England’s National Health Service (NHS) spends the equivalent of $1M a day on antidepressants.
A report by the Health and Social Care Information Centre showed that 61 million antidepressant medications were prescribed last year, which is 31.6 million more than in 2005, and 3.9 million more than in 2014. This category of drugs also noted the biggest numeric rise in prescriptions last year. The total spent each day by the NHS on antidepressants is a staggering £780,000.
What makes this figure particularly alarming, is the fact that these medications have actually been shown to be ineffective.’
Read more: England’s ‘free’ healthcare system spending $1Million a day on antidepressants, despite research showing their ineffectiveness 

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