Erdogan’s Purge: Islamofascist Mobs Torture and Murder in Streets of Turkey

‘The fall-out from last week’s failed coup d’etat in Turkey has been more gruesome than many imagined, as pro-government AKP and Muslim Brotherhood suppoters have taken to the streets to administer an ‘ISIS-like’ brand of justice on behalf of the ruling party.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has moved ahead with a brutal crack-down on dissent in further consolidation of power.
A massive purge of the President’s political opposition began from Saturday morning, with orders issued for the round-up of at least 3,000 troops to date who are suspected of playing a role in the coup plot, along with a further 2,700 arrest warrants issued for judges – a clear sign that no one will be offered a fair defense or trial by the Erdogan government. That number is expected to grow by Monday.’
Read more: Erdogan’s Purge – Islamofascist Mobs Torture and Murder in Streets of Turkey

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