Fletcher Prouty Equated Herrhausen Assassination with JFK Murder

In February 1990, Col. Fletcher Prouty (USAF-ret.), a legendary figure within the U.S. intelligence community, who was the first whistleblower on the corrupting of the American intelligence establishment with his Secret Team expose book, wrote a chilling essay on the recent assassination of Deutsche Bank Chairman Alfred Herrhausen.  Prouty directly equated the Herrhausen assassination with the assassination in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy, and he made clear that he did not buy the idea that Herrhausen was killed by “terrorists,” arguing instead that the assassins were pawns of a major state intelligence service.

Prouty wrote: “It is absolutely astounding that the subject of the savage murder of this man… Alfred Herrhausen… has been dropped so suddenly from the news.  The Deutsche Bank of Germany is undoubtedly one of the most important banks in the world. and its Chairman Herrhausen was one of the most important spokesmen of the banking profession around the world.  He would have been a key man in all developments.

“His loss at this time… and the startling nature of his loss are without question… for our day… the equal of the loss of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

“Considering the time… the enormous train of events taking place in the Soviet Union, in Eastern Europe and particularly in East Germany… the murder of Herrhausen is an act of enormous significance.  It can not be, and must not be swept under the rug as just ‘another act of terrorism.’  True terrorists do not murder bank presidents without some special reason.  Most terrorists are actually the paid pawns, and `mechanics’ of great power centers.  Some major power center wanted the Chairman of Deutsche Bank removed on that day, in that manner for some reason, and as a lesson to others.  There has to be a great message in the act of his death.”

Prouty’s seven-page essay went on to quote from the speech that JFK was slated to deliver in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963, and the speech that Herrhausen was slated to deliver in New York City on Dec. 4, 1989—four days after his assassination.

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