Fracking crackdown reduces Oklahoma earthquakes by 25 percent

‘Since 2009, the state of Oklahoma has experienced a drastic increase in earthquakes. The state’s yearly average of reported earthquakes in 2009 was a mere 20 per year. In 2015, that average spiked to a shocking two per day.
While environmentalists have had their suspicions for a while, it wasn’t until recently that scientific evidence emerged directly linking Oklahoma’s increase in earthquakes to an “81 percent jump … in wastewater volumes” injected back into the ground as a result of excessive fracking from 2009 to 2014.
According to EcoWatch, “Scientists concluded in April 2015 that the injection of wastewater byproducts into deep underground disposal wells from fracking operations have triggered the near-daily quakes.”‘
Read more: Fracking crackdown reduces Oklahoma earthquakes by 25 percent

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