Fracking industry dumping radioactive waste in landfills, exposing homes and schools to cancer-causing chemicals

‘Most of us want to think of our homes and schools as safe places where families can pass time with minimal exposure to danger. Unfortunately, some residents and school students in Irvine, Kentucky, have suddenly found themselves in an environment more akin to Chernobyl than Appalachian Kentucky.
Denny and Vivian Smith live in the idyllic Estill County town situated near the Kentucky River on property that has belonged to their ancestors since the 1800s. Last August, the area was descended upon by a convoy of trucks that were transporting concentrated fracking waste from northern West Virginia to the Blue Ridge Landfill.
The trucks brought 400 tons of low-level radioactive waste to the facility, which is not permitted to accept this type of waste.’
Read more: Fracking industry dumping radioactive waste in landfills, exposing homes and schools to cancer-causing chemicals 

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