Has Brexit triggered an anti-democractic ‘Color Revolution’?

‘The country’s fate was, ever so briefly, put in the hands of the people. They were being tasked with voting on an issue that could destroy trade agreements set to make many multi-national companies billions of dollars, an issue that poses a direct threat to America’s financial and Imperial interests, an issue that is an existential threat to NATO itself.
You can’t leave that to chance.
The people must be controlled. They are pressured and coerced by the media, scared by their leaders and gently instructed by the Empire.
…but they don’t listen. They vote the wrong way, and in such numbers that the usual checks and balances, all the little tweaks in the process, and lost ballots and “accidents” STILL don’t swing the vote.’
Read more: Has Brexit triggered an anti-democractic ‘Color Revolution‘?

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