How Government Officials Deceive Themselves, To Deceive the Public

‘Especially the foreign services and the military of any country are being paid like lawyers are standardly paid: they’re paid to make the case for their employer. They’re ‘mercenaries’ wielding words not (merely) arms, who become the more effective to the extent that they can deceive themselves to believe the propaganda (or, in the military case, the justifiability of their killings) that they’re selling to the public.
Let’s therefore look at some of these ‘mercenaries’, in a video about U.S. policy toward China, so that we can tell, from their vocal inflections, and also from their facial expressions while they are saying blatantly false things, whether we think that they believe the lies that they are spouting, while they’re spouting them to us:’
Read more: How Government Officials Deceive Themselves, To Deceive the Public

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