How The Nice Tragedy Will Be Used To Bolster War, Usurp Freedom, And Create More Terrorism

‘At least 84 people were killed when an attacker plowed through a crowd gathered in Nice, France, for Bastille Day festivities.
As the country and world reel in shock, French President François Hollande already claims the purposeful mowing down of dozens to be a likely act of terrorism.
“The terrorist nature of the attack cannot be denied,” Hollande said early Friday. “We must show absolute vigilance and determination. All of France is under the threat of Islamic terrorism.”
Three days have been set aside to mourn victims of the horrific act, which happened as crowds assembled along Promenade des Anglais in advance of a fireworks display.’
Read more: How The Nice Tragedy Will Be Used To Bolster War, Usurp Freedom, And Create More Terrorism

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