Is Mainstream Media Cooking Up A Fresh New Zika Virus Psyop Scare For This Fall?

‘There are many tools that the Western cabal resorts to in order to deceive and enslave us as the year goes by. The list is endless and we all know many of these items. Terrorism, ISIS, global warming, scarcity, rumors of WW3, claims that China, Russia or North Korea is the bogeymonster or Iran is going to nuke the world. Another one is the medical disease psyop scare like Ebola and now Zika virus. Pushing their medical disease scare is a powerful tool for them to impose things like quarantines, lock-downs, round-ups, mandatory vaccinations, depopulation and much more.
Judging from a recent mainstream media article it appears they are slowly stirring up the pot for a possible upcoming Zika virus scare round 2. In this brewing second round of the coming Zika virus psyop scare they are now transporting the Zika virus (which is falsely being portrayed as teratogenic or a primary cause of birth defects) to the Florida region of the United States. I believe this could be the early stages of an upcoming psyop event likely to be staged later this summer or in the fall. Notice they always set up the story first.’
Read more: Is Mainstream Media Cooking Up A Fresh New Zika Virus Psyop Scare For This Fall?

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