Israeli Minister Slams Facebook: ‘Terror Victims’ Blood Is on Zuckerberg’s Hands’

‘Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan has accused Facebook and its chairman and cofounder Mark Zuckerberg of partial responsibility for terrorist attacks, including the murder of a 13-year old girl  while she slept last Thursday.
Erdan said on Saturday that the social network fails to block posts inciting violence and also sabotages the work of Israeli police.
“Some of the victims’ blood is on Zuckerberg’s hands,” he told Channel 2. “Facebook has turned into a monster. The younger generation in the Palestinian Authority runs its entire discourse of incitement and lies and finally goes out to commit murderous acts on Facebook’s platform.”‘
Read more: Israeli Minister Slams Facebook: ‘Terror Victims’ Blood Is on Zuckerberg’s Hands’

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