Israel’s Right-Wing Ambassador to the U.S. Plays to the Trump Crowd in New York City

‘Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer is a virtuoso of propaganda. As he sat in Shmuley Boteach’s Upper West Side townhouse on Thursday trading stories and jokes with the occasional rabbi and full-time Republican political operative, he made whitewashing Israeli crimes look easy.
The intimate gathering was Dermer’s effort to endear himself to the Trump crowd, of which Shmuley is undoubtedly a part. Netanyahu has become a persona non grata to liberal Jewry, so instead Dermer regaled an aging right-wing crowd that represents the only remaining Jewish communal bastion for whom unapologetic atrocities can be defended without objection.’
Read more: Israel’s Right-Wing Ambassador to the U.S. Plays to the Trump Crowd in New York City

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