Lee Harvey Oswald Was Innocent

Lee Harvey Oswald was not in the sniper’s nest from which President John F Kennedy was shot – but his gun was used in the shooting, a new book concludes.

In a forensic analysis of the killing, author Flip de Mey puts forward a new theory for the assassination which he says has not previously been considered.

De Mey says that Oswald was not on the sixth floor of the Dallas book depository when the three shots were fired at Kennedy.

He analyzes the claims of two key witnesses and says that they either lied or were unreliable.

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But in a surprise twist de Mey also claims to prove conclusively that Oswald’s gun was used in the killing – even if it was not him who pulled the trigger.

Crucial picture: This image of Lee Harvey Oswald, taken by his wife Marina, in his backyard with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle is the one most closely associated with his role in the Kennedy assassination 

Crucial picture: This image of Lee Harvey Oswald, taken by his wife Marina, in his backyard with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle is the one most closely associated with his role in the Kennedy assassination

Key witness: Howard Brennan was caught in a photograph which showed him outside the Texas School Book Depository. The image was annotated to show A, the window where he says he saw a man fire a gun from and B, where he saw 'colored guys' watching the motorcade. But de Mey says he could not have seen a man at A

Key witness: Howard Brennan was caught in a photograph which showed him outside the Texas School Book Depository. The image was annotated to show A, the window where he says he saw a man fire a gun from and B, where he saw ‘colored guys’ watching the motorcade. But de Mey says he could not have seen a man at A

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The post Lee Harvey Oswald Was Innocent appeared first on LewRockwell.

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