Libertarian What-Me-Worryism

As elderly people get older they tend toward feeble-mindedness. Not in every case, of course, but as a general rule applicable to any given cohort. I am acutely aware of this tendency whenever I express an opinion or explain a conclusion: I may simply be losing my grip. Moreover, older people tend to become stuck in their ways. So they may often fail to see how the world is changing, not to mention why it is changing as it is.

With the foregoing declarations as my preface, you may wish to disregard what I now have to say, which is—if you’ve decided to stick with me—that I find many people’s outlooks, especially my fellow libertarians’ outlooks, touchingly sweet, innocent, and cheerful. Oh, they complain bitterly about all sorts of injustice and destruction, especially the instances perpetrated by the people who fancy themselves fit to rule the rest of us, but nevertheless, lenses. In particular, they seem unable to appreciate the vast scope and deep embeddedness of currently established politico-economic institutions. Participatory fascism, the sort of regime that freedom lovers are up against nearly everywhere, is not simply a matter of a central bank, a cabal of big bankers, and a handful of opportunistic political puppets whose strings these so-called banksters pull; nor is it simply the military-industrial-congressional complex and its assorted cheerleaders and hangers-on; nor is it simply a gaggle of foolish and arrogant regulators at the SEC, EPA, FDA, and hundreds of other such agencies; nor is it simply the NSA, FBI, and a dozen other superlatively well-funded federal spy agencies in cahoots with thousands of police departments in each state and local jurisdiction across the USA; nor is it simply a host of privilege-dispensing ministries such as the Commerce, Agriculture, Labor, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development departments, among scores of similar others; nor is it simply the prison-industrial complex that feeds millions of people annually, disproportionately young black men, into a system of incarceration, convict labor, and ruined lives for political and financial profit, regardless of whether the prisoners have really wronged anyone; nor is it simply the medical-insurance-old people’s complex in which millions of affluent providers reap fortunes by irradiating and poking needles into old people and carving up their organs for as long as their bodies can stand the high-priced treatments and the reimbursements keep rolling in, while documenting everything with a nearly infinite assortment of filled-out forms and thereby supporting a big chunk of the IT industry; and so on.

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