Life Was Better Under Saddam Hussein

Iraqis whose lives were destroyed by the 2003 invasion of their country today accused Tony Blair and George Bush of being the architects of their downfall – and called them ‘the devil’.

The former Prime Minister’s reputation lies in tatters after today’s Chilcot’s damning report into the Iraq debacle found the toppled tyrant Saddam Hussein with no firm evidence he had weapons of mass destruction.

And today people on the streets of Erbil in northern Iraq celebrated as the report finally tore apart the so-called flawed invasion that killed 179 British troops and their countrymen and women.

‘They removed Saddam Hussein, but they didn’t think about the consequences of doing so,’ said shopkeeper Selman Hussein.

The businessman, who briefly fled to Europe and lived in Belgium, said Mr. Blair had been irresponsible when he claimed he could not have known how difficult the post-invasion situation would be.

In the report emails from the ex-Labour PM to then-US-president George Bush showed unwavering loyalty as he was determined to take military action to topple Saddam.

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But the shopkeeper went on:  ‘They did not plan for the future. We are now living in a destroyed country, Tony Blair did not make anything good for Iraq,’ he said.

‘Under Saddam, we were happier, it was much better. Now, it is Sunni-Shiite and Kurds. Everybody is fighting, now there are bombs every day. Before we had a strong president. His name was Saddam,’ he said.

Selman also believes Mr. Blair twisted intelligence about the threat posed by Saddam to justify the war that led to the deaths of 179 British soldiers and left hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead.

‘He said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. What weapons? They lied,’ he added.

Other Iraqis hit out at Mr. Blair claiming his fawning emails to Bush, where the day after the 9/11 attacks, Blair told Bush they should immediately tackle states and individuals with weapons of mass destruction and justify it later prove he wanted to invade Iraq regardless of the consequences.

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