Low Energy?

As you are getting older, you may find you simply don’t have the energy you once did to do the activities you love. Well, the good news is, you don’t have to let your older years zap you of your favorite activities. Try these eight fixes for a boost of energy – and see what happens.

8 fixes for low energy

Become more decisive: Did you know your indecisiveness could be contributing to fatigue and low energy? It’s true. Believe it or not, you are getting exhausted just from trying to make up your mind. A study from German researchers found making brash decisions can combat fatigue. Case in point, try going with your gut and stop second-guessing yourself.

about your achievements and feel more energized.

Use cold water: Ever noticed how alert you become when you step into cold water? Although a lake or a pool isn’t always available, you can run cold water over your wrists for a quick energy boost.

Try mint: The smell of mint is enough to wake up the senses, so start off your day on the right path with a mint-flavored toothpaste, for example. Even throughout the day, you can chew on a mint gum or sip on some mint tea for an extra shot of energy.

By trying out these simple energy fixes, you can get back to living your life and spend more time out of bed.

Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

The post Low Energy? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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