Mainstream Media – Making Rock Stars Out of Mass Murderers

‘At what point does the deification of criminals itself become a criminal act?
With each new shocking mass murder, a story is created by mainstream media and unleashed on public consciousness. The ‘official’ narrative of the event never ends up jibing with actual facts revealed by subsequent and independent investigation, and the force-fed version is never retracted or corrected to match any new or uncomfortable findings. Instead, the narrative invariably devolves into an exposé of the private life of the killer, aiming to create a believable character, to suggest his motive, and to develop enough plausibility in the story to make the truth seem uninteresting.
Within hours of each mass-murder, the supposed killer’s name is revealed, sending mainstream journalists into a sensational frenzy of internet surfing for any and all morsels of gossip they can find. Social media accounts are ravaged for photos, quotes and conversations that support the official narrative and add clickable drama to front pages.’
Read more: Mainstream Media – Making Rock Stars Out of Mass Murderers

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