Malta fearlessly prepares to outlaw Monsanto’s cancer-causing glyphosate, becoming first EU nation to enact complete ban

‘Leading by example, Malta is poised to become the first European Union nation to enact a complete ban on the carcinogenic herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller.
The move towards a complete ban in the country comes on the heels of the decision in June by the European Commission to grant an 18-month extension of the license for glyphosate.
In a meeting of member states in June, Malta was the only country that voted against the extension of the license. The Maltese government has now begun taking steps towards implementing a complete ban on glyphosate use, according to the Times of Malta.’
Read more: Malta fearlessly prepares to outlaw Monsanto’s cancer-causing glyphosate, becoming first EU nation to enact complete ban 

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