Mammonism, Brexit and The Rest of Us

Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Alimuddin Usmani
‘Alimuddin Usmani: Following the victory speech by Nigel Farage, you wrote on your Facebook wall: “It is easy to grasp why British workers support Farage and not the Labour Party.”

Can you explain this further?
Gilad Atzmon: Farage’s ideas are coherent and consistent. They reflect the feelings of the poor, the oppressed and the working people who have been reduced into a workless class. Whether Farage can help them is an open question but he offers a clear vision of change fuelled by nostalgic glory and a strong sense of belonging.
Corbyn, on the other hand, has little to offer although this is not entirely his fault. The Labour philosophy is full of contradictions and holes. On the one hand, Corbyn and Labour claim to represent the worker and the poor. But Corbyn and his party also subscribe to cultural Marxist and cosmopolitan ideas that advocate immigration, diversity, identitarian politics and various measures of ‘correctness.’ One cannot support the worker while simultaneously advocating immigration that puts local jobs at risk.’
Read more: Mammonism, Brexit and The Rest of Us

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