Miami Police Officer Who Shot Unarmed Hospital Worker Admitted He Doesn’t Know Why

‘Another day, another horrifying example of police shooting an unarmed black man, this time involving a hospital worker who was on the ground with his hands up. But unlike the narratives that have played out across the country with police-involved shootings (wherein officers try to justify their decision to pull the trigger), the officer in this case even admitted to a fellow officer that he “didn’t know why he shot him.”
Video emerged Wednesday day of an altercation that occurred Monday afternoon, when two North Miami police officers responded to a call alleging someone was attempting to kill himself. When they arrived, the officers found caretaker Charles Kinsey sitting next to an autistic patient playing with a toy truck in the middle of the road. The officers drew their weapons and told the men to lie down with their hands in the air.’
Read more: Miami Police Officer Who Shot Unarmed Hospital Worker Admitted He Doesn’t Know Why

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