Middle Britain Becomes The ‘New Poor’ As Poverty Stalks The Nation

‘The middle classes are the “new poor” with half of families renting rather than owning their own home and many relying on benefits and tax credits to survive, a report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) reveals.
According to research by the IFS and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), middle income families with children now “more closely resemble poor families than in the past,” collecting 30 percent of their income from state support.
Extreme destitution is mostly seen in working families, as two thirds of children in absolute poverty have at least one employed parent. The share of women’s earnings taken up by the household rose from less than a fifth in 1994-95 to over a quarter 10 years later.’

Read more: Middle Britain Becomes The ‘New Poor’ As Poverty Stalks The Nation

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