Monsanto, DuPont unleash highly toxic, drift-prone dicamaba herbicide, endangering public health and North America’s food supply

‘Certain kinds of plant growth are becoming more invasive in farmers’ fields. These super weeds are resisting the increased use of glyphosate and other herbicides. It has been going on for awhile now. Nature is fighting back. Weeds are finding new ways to adapt and survive.
Take for instance, the garlic mustard plant (Alliaria petiolata), which has become increasingly invasive in the Midwest in recent years. It is now recommended that farmers fight back this plant with cold weather application of glyphosate. This strategy also kills many great herbs, such as shepherd’s-purse and common chickweed, to name a few.
As ecological diversity of plant life disappears and as super weeds take hold in the fields, biotech corporations have only one solution…’
Read more: Monsanto, DuPont unleash highly toxic, drift-prone dicamaba herbicide, endangering public health and North America’s food supply  

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