Mossad-linked group sues Facebook for $1 billion

‘Facebook has shut down Palestinian leaders’ profiles, deleted pages calling for a “third Intifada” and cooperated with the Israeli army, but a new lawsuit filed by Shurat HaDin says the social media platform has not gone far enough.
On Monday, the Israeli lawfare group filed a $1 billion lawsuit in a New York federal court alleging that Facebook violates the Anti-Terrorism Act [by serving as a platform for Hamas and “knowingly … facilitat(ing) this terrorist group’s ability to communicate, recruit members, plan and carry out attacks, and strike fear in its enemies.”
The lawsuit is filed on behalf of five American families of people who died in Palestinian attacks over the last two years, including four dual Israeli-American citizens and one American tourist.’
Read more: Mossad-linked group sues Facebook for $1 billion

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