Munich Shooter Considered Himself Aryan, Admired Hitler and Breivik. No Wonder the Media Has Moved On

‘Last Friday, all of Germany stood still as news arrived of another terrible shooting. After news outlets reported that a young man shot several people outside a shopping center in the city of Munich, many believed that the first “Islamist” terrorist attack had taken place in the country.
After it became clear that the gunman, Ali David Sonboly, had Iranian roots, media outlets from Berlin to New York City did not hesitate to link him with Islam. Man news channels preferred to call Sonboly—who was born and raised in Germany—a “German-Iranian,” instead of just “German.”
Furthermore, many reports, mostly based on rumors which circulated during the first hours after the massacre, claimed that Sonboly shouted the supposedly characteristic “Allahu Akbar” before he murdered his innocent victims.’
Read more: Munich Shooter Considered Himself Aryan, Admired Hitler and Breivik. No Wonder the Media Has Moved On

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