New York City being INUNDATED with toxic glyphosate herbicide, with high intensity spraying of children’s playgrounds and parks

‘Is your favorite public park a green, weed-free oasis? Chances are if it looks too manicured to be true, it’s brimming with chemical herbicides like glyphosate that are putting you, your children and your pets at risk.
Many cities spray these poisons by the thousands of gallons per year on grass and in flowerbeds to keep things looking tidy, but at a huge price: Many of these chemicals are linked to neurological damage, birth defects and cancer.
In New York City alone, local governments apply more than 100,000 pounds of pesticides annually in green spaces, and that amount is constantly increasing.’
Read more: New York City being INUNDATED with toxic glyphosate herbicide, with high intensity spraying of children’s playgrounds and parks

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