Now Take the 28 Pages, and Avoid the Fate of France

It is a powerful irony that France has suffered the tragic sting of its close embrace of Saudi Arabia — and with it, al-Qaeda in Syria — just as the Obama Administration has been compelled to release some evidence, secret for 15 years, of Saudi Arabia’s role in the “al-Qaeda” attacks on 9/11/2001.

French Presidential candidate and leader of Solidarité et Progrès, Jacques Cheminade, makes the case in his strong statement, below, on the Nice disaster. France’s government cheered on the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) against Syrian President Assad. It prioritized relations with Saudi Arabia which it knew to be providing weapons going to al-Nusra and its offshoots in Syria — until al-Nusra’s large and notorious recruiting cell in Nice, triggered a deadly strike at home.

The same tragedy occurred with the Bush Administration’s original suppression of the “28 pages” finally released on Friday, which show years of Saudi assistance to al-Qaeda while the 9/11 attacks were planned and prepared. Had that secret chapter been released with the rest of the Congressional 9/11 report, in late 2002, the United States could not have been taken to war with Iraq “to avenge 9/11.”

Now the “28 Pages” have finally been forced out by public pressure, and their release is getting extraordinarily wide and prominent media coverage around the world. This provides a tremendous opening to change the whole trans-Atlantic policy of fighting terrorism and avoiding war, as Cheminade emphasizes — and to win justice for jihadism’s victims as well.

The Obama White House claimed, as the 28 Pages were released — still with some 150 redactions — that they contained “nothing new.” But in fact, the totality of the picture in that chapter is new; a much fuller intelligence picture, of a much more many-sided Saudi operation to assist al-Qaeda in avoiding U.S. operations against it.

The New York Times, which tried hard to agree with Obama, couldn’t:

“But the document released on Friday is unsparing in its criticism of Saudi efforts to undermine American attempts to dismantle al-Qaeda in the years before the Sept. 11 attacks. Moreover, it portrays the FBI as generally in the dark about the maneuverings of Saudi officials inside the United States during that period.”

This referred to the final six pages of the chapter, which were completely unknown publicly until now. The Times headline was “View of a Saudi Effort To Thwart U.S. Action on al-Qaeda.”

Nothing new? The U.K. Guardian assessed:

“The so-called 28 pages suggest a much larger web of connections between al-Qaeda and the Saudi royal family than had previously been known.”

A full, new investigation now can help the American public see a new paradigm, one by which the United States and all of Europe, including France, can escape the last 15 years Hell of regime-change wars and terrorism.

This means an investigation which goes well back, to the now-exposed 9/11 facilitator Prince Bandar’s famous “Al Yamamah deal” with Britain, which provided the slush funds for so many destabilizations and terror actions.

That’s what we have now demanded. So have the 9/11 victims’ families, who yesterday blasted Obama for trying to close the door on the truth now that it has begun to open.

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