Ohio Legislature moves towards mandatory vaccines, proposing to eliminate philosophical exemptions entirely

‘A growing number of parents across the nation are now going against the recommendations of the CDC vaccine schedule – which currently promotes the injecting of 49 doses of various vaccines before a child turns 6 years old. The number of parents opting out of the onslaught of childhood vaccinations has doubled since 2009. As vaccine use plummets, state legislatures are trying to find new ways to bully parents into the vaccination cycle.
A new bill in Ohio (HB 564) seeks to intimidate parents into vaccine compliance by forcing them to be re-educated about the benefits of vaccines. Ohio parents will no longer be allowed to send their children to public schools unless they see a state-licensed medical doctor first to receive such re-education. If the parent objects to a vaccine, and determines it’s not worth the risk to their child, they will no longer get to make that choice freely. This law will put parents under the control of the medical system by denying any philosophical exemption the parent may have.’
Read more: Ohio Legislature moves towards mandatory vaccines, proposing to eliminate philosophical exemptions entirely 

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