Outlets Like The Atlantic and The Economist Are Selling Editorial Interviews to Lobbyists at DNC and RNC

‘In case still had faith in the political media machine’s integrity, several big outlets have cleared that misconception right up for you. They’ve decided to offer news interviews up for sale at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions.
This means these outlets not even trying to hide their sleaze anymore. As Lee Fang wrote in a July 1 article for The Intercept, which broke the story:
“For high-rolling special interests looking to make an impression at the presidential conventions next month, one option is to pay a lot of money to a media outlet. Lobbyists for the oil industry, for instance, are picking up the tab for leading Beltway publications to host energy policy discussions at the convention, including The Atlantic and Politico.’
Read more: Outlets Like The Atlantic and The Economist Are Selling Editorial Interviews to Lobbyists at DNC and RNC

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