Over 55,000 Americans injured and killed by US police in just one year – study

‘More than 55,000 Americans were either killed or injured by US police in just one year, a new study has revealed. Most of the deaths were from fatal firearm wounds or excessive use of taser devices.
The study, titled ‘Perils of police action: a cautionary tale from US data sets,’ covers the year 2012 and offers greater context to the issue of police brutality, which has only grown bigger in the four years since the research.
Published in the peer-reviewed British medical journal Injury Prevention, the study found that a total of 55,400 people were victims of police officers’ “abuse of power” or “loss of control out of anger or fear” in 2012.’
Read more: Over 55,000 Americans injured and killed by US police in just one year – study

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