Partially Deaf, Blind in 1 Eye, Paralyzed, and Easily Confused

What crushing irony: over the weekend of July 4, as Americans celebrated their alleged freedom, the TSA graphically proved yet again our total enslavement.

The outrage in question actually dates to June 30, 2015; it’s only now hitting the headlines thanks to Hannah Cohen’s lawsuit. But last year, when she was 18, Hannah tried to fly with her mother to their home in Chattanooga from Memphis, TN. The duo were pros at this route, having traveled it “hundreds of times” over the last 17 years, “without incident ever,” to treat Hannah at St Jude’s Medical Center. This particular trip was special since it was the final one.

Hannah probably inspires everyone around her. Though she’s suffered “damage from radiation and removal of a brain tumor that substantially limits her ability to speak, walk, stand, see, hear, care for herself, learn work, think, concentrate, and interact with others,” she frequently braves commercial aviation, a gauntlet that daunts even the strongest and healthiest. Her mother, Shirley, “a professor of nursing at a university in Chattanooga,” summarizes Hannah’s condition as “partially deaf, blind in one eye, paralyzed, and easily confused…

Judge Round Eyes dismissed all charges. I’m sorry we don’t have his name since he may be the last honest jurist in our declining Empire: courts almost always side with the TSA, however, brutal or unjustified its attack on a passenger.

So far, the TSA’s response to this merciless assault is almost as infuriating as the assault itself: “Passengers can call ahead of time to learn more about the screening process for their particular needs or medical situation.” Yes. At least some things never change: though Judge Round Eyes surprised us, the TSA blames the victim, as always. To which Shirley tartly replied: “Why should I do that when we’ve been going through that airport for 17 years?

Given her profession and her nearly two decades of tending a disabled daughter, Shirley is sophisticated about the latter’s “rights” under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Ergo, she’s suing the TSA, “Memphis and Shelby County Airport Authority, and Memphis International Airport Police Department” for “damages in a reasonable sum not exceeding $100,000.00 … and costs.”

Why not litigate the TSA’s egregious violations of the Fourth Amendment instead? Because, an attorney tells me, the Cohens are likelier to win on these narrower grounds. But what good will that do? Handicapped folks may emerge from this atrocity with a few more “rights,” but Lady Liberty is already as bloodied as Hannah. And taxpayers, not the thugs who hurt this innocent girl, will cough up whatever damages the Cohens win. Yet Shirley apparently hopes to curb some of the TSA’s criminality: “…if they will do this to a disabled girl, does that mean they’ll do it to an 80-year-old grandmother?”

Oh, indeed, it does. They’ve even been known to strip-search those grandmothers. They also humiliate younger women dying of cancer and men recovering from cancer of the bladder, torment crippled little boys, and harass three-year-old girls in wheelchairs until they cry. For good measure, they occasionally slaughter a bi-polar gentleman. You might think such wickedness would eventually sicken even Our Rulers, but it never does. They continue to renew the TSA’s budget year after year rather than abolish this Satanic agency.

These people think they are God,” Shirley says. Bingo: she’s right again. “They think they can do anything they want … It’s time for justice.” Which no doubt has the TSA’s goons laughing as heartily as they did when Hannah offered to remove her offending sequins.

The post Partially Deaf, Blind in 1 Eye, Paralyzed, and Easily Confused appeared first on LewRockwell.

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