Philippines President Calls Out UK, U.S. for Terrorism

The British (specifically, Tony Blair) responsibility for Mideast/North Africa wars and the spread of terrorism stands exposed after issuance in London of the Chilcot
Report on the Iraq War.

On Friday the new President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, attacked the UK and the United States for spreading terrorism, in remarks to a Muslim organization which were striking in their impact and originality.

Associated Press headlined, “Philippine President Blames US, UK for Middle East Violence.” The news service reported,

“The new Philippine president has blamed U.S. intervention for the bloody conflicts in Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries….President Rodrigo Duterte suggested in a speech on Friday that U.S. policy was to blame for terrorist attacks on its soil, saying,’It is not that the Middle East is exporting terrorism to America, America imported terrorism.'”

GAM News Service in the Philippines reported that Duterte said,

“They forced their way into Iraq and killed Saddam. Look at Iraq now. Look what happened to Libya. Look what happened to Syria.”

Clearly referring to the Chilcot Report, he said that

“After a thorough, almost 10 years investigation, it turns out there was no legal basis to declare war against Iraq…. it’s such a useless war.”

Duterte also linked the Middle East crisis to the violence in Mindanao. Duterte and his Defense Minister have otherwise promised, the Philippines armed forces have aggressively gone after “ISIS-linked” Abu Sayyaf terror forces in the Philippines’ southern islands. The Philippines military confirmed Thursday that at least nine members of the Daesh-affiliated terrorist group were killed and thirteen wounded by the Army on Sulu, while one soldier was killed.

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