Pro-GMO Campaign exploits Nobel Laureates to attack Greenpeace and Fool the People

‘A new pro-GMO propaganda campaign has been launched in which, in the words of a Washington Post article, “more then 100 Nobel laureates have signed a letter urging Greenpeace to end its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The letter asks Greenpeace to cease its efforts to block introduction of a genetically engineered strain of rice that supporters say could reduce Vitamin-A deficiencies causing blindness and death in children in the developing world.”
In highly emotive language, the letter, published by a shadowy website called, claims, “Greenpeace has spearheaded opposition to Golden Rice, which has the potential to reduce or eliminate much of the death and disease caused by a vitamin A deficiency (VAD), which has the greatest impact on the poorest people in Africa and Southeast Asia.”’
Read more: Pro-GMO Campaign exploits Nobel Laureates to attack Greenpeace and Fool the People

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